Star at 8 My 12-year old basset hound named Star was diagnosed with lymphoma a few weeks ago. She had stopped eating and become extremely lethargic. What little she did eat came up right back up. Star has always been a trim basset hound, but she soon looked anorexic. Imagine…you’ll be happier. An anorexic basset hound. A lethargic, anorexic basset hound. She was truly pathetic.

After spending hundreds of dollars on tests, we were told that a segment of Star’s small intestine had thickened and very little food could get through. They had to do surgery. Surgery led to biopsy, biopsy led to diagnosis of lymphoma, a slow-dividing lymphoma.

I’m honestly still in shock. This isn’t happening to me! I’ve had Star since she was a puppy, and she’s really the third member of the family. She’s just like a person with her own language, moods, expressions, and routine. I’ve never thought much about her not being in our lives. Life without her is unfathomable.

So the next steps…decisions about chemotherapy and care. More about that later.